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International Exchange Event Commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the CRC

【About Conference】

Did you know? This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the 35th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)! It has also been 10 years since the CRC was implemented in Taiwan.


Over the past decade, to ensure the rights of children and youth in Taiwan to express their opinions and be heard, mechanisms for the participation and selection of child representatives have been established from local governments to central administrative bodies. These mechanisms provide channels for children and youth to express policy recommendations, and they have actively voiced their concerns at various stages of the CRC international review process.


To further promote the implementation of children's rights in Taiwan, the National Human Rights Commission is organizing the "International Symposium on Children's Rights Monitoring and Youth Participation" on August 20-21. Representatives from Ireland, Scotland, and Australia have been invited to Taiwan to engage in cross-cultural exchanges with Taiwanese youth.


Through this symposium, we hope to enhance Taiwan's understanding of international standards and trends in the implementation of children's rights, and to further improve and perfect the execution of related domestic policies, thereby deepening the development of children's rights in Taiwan.

【Forgein and youth presenters】

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Bruce Adamson

Vice Chair of the Child Friendly Governance Project


The UNCRC is the most powerful tool we have to improve the lives of children and young people. We must put children's rights and their experiences at the heart of decision making. Being a Children's Commissioner is the greatest job in the world, and I look forward to learning from all of you and sharing the experiences from Scotland and wider Europe at this special event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of UNCRC.

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Ellie Craig

Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament


As chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament I've been involved in campaigning for children's rights and youth participation for a number of years. I'm really excited about sharing my experience and to learn from other delegates about their countries approaches to implementing children's rights.

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Finlay Anderson

Former Young Advisor for the Children and Young People's Commissioner for Scotland


I am eagerly anticipating the forum as it presents an incredible opportunity to reflect upon the significant progress made over the past 35 years and to prepare for the future by continuing to strengthen the bridges between our countries, regions and institutions.

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Jamie Dunlop

SYPs Chief Executive


I am very much looking forward to meeting with the representatives to discuss children's rights, share experiences from the Scottish Youth Parliament, and support and exchange ideas with each other through dialogue and learning.

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Nuala Ward

Director of Investigations in the Ombudsman for Children’s Office in Ireland


I am honoured to be attending this wonderful event commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child and I look forward to listening to how this important convention has impacted on the lives of the children in all the countries represented at this conference.

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Anne Hollonds

Australia’s National Children’s Commissioner


I am looking forward to this forum celebrating the 35th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of Child. In particular it will be wonderful to hear from young people from different countries about what matters most to them.


Cheng Tien-Li

The Second Central Child and Youth Delegation

Executive Yuan Child and Youth Welfare and Rights Promotion Group / Child and Youth Committee Member


I am honored to participate in this meaningful forum. I hope that through this exchange, we can better understand the practices and perspectives of other countries on these issues. Additionally, I look forward to continuing our exchanges and mutual learning even after the forum concludes.


Rong-Yu Liu

The Second Central Child and Youth Delegation

6th Term Youth Advisory Representative of the Ministry of Education's National Education Administration

Executive Supervisor of the Taiwan YDY Education Association


I am very happy to have the opportunity to be invited by the conference to serve as a speaker for the CRC's 35th anniversary. The CRC has been implemented in Taiwan for 10 years now. I hope to share with representatives from various countries how children and youth in Taiwan are currently participating in public issues.